Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (RAS)

Landbased fish farming

Our Recirculating Aquaculture Systems are gentle by nature

We believe that your success will be based on good, long-term collaboration and trust throughout the fish farm project – from idea to producing fish. Graintec will be your trusted partner all the way, and together, we will turn your ideas into reality

Our partnering philosophy is a collaboration model through which you and we jointly commit to carry out the task in an open and mutual collaboration based on dialogue, trust, transparency and early involvement of all relevant parties.

It all starts with your idea, and together as one team, we design the fish farm so that it meets the demands on your market

Fully integrated feeding system at the RAS farm ensures gentle feeding and highest welfare for the fishes

All the way through the feed supply chain from the feed factory to the farm, efficient delivery of the feed with minimum waste must be guaranteed.

All our service offerings and upgrades are developed to provide seamless and optimised fish production.

We have developed and implemented a comprehensive Best Practice Project Execution model

Get in touch

We look forward to hear your visions and thoughts. Please fill in the form below and we will get back to you very soon.

You are also welcome to contact the sales manager directly.


    Harald Schreiner Fiksdal, Managing Director, SalmoTerra

    “Our clear vision is to create optimal conditions for the well-being of the fish in our visionary RAS plant. We wanted a supplier to partner up with, a partner with shared values and visions. Graintec has a long project-history within large projects. They understood our expectations and supported us in creating peace of mind for our investors for this great project in Bergen. “
